Having celebrated Bapa’s Jayant every year for the last 25 years, since the inception of Leicester’s Bapas Temple, with over 1,000 devotees attending the
mandir and paying their respects, Bapa awakened me in August 2020 and brought to the front of my mind an idea that Ajay Jobanputra and I had been
considering for some time.
I went on to discuss this idea in detail with my co- Trustees, Dhirubhai Sanghani, Ajay Jobanputra and Sanjay C Rughani, all of whom are ardent followers of Pujya Jalaram Bapa.
The next point of contact was Hemantbhai Surya in Rajkot, who had handled the Trust’s social media and Astha tele-casts over the years, in order to
understand the practicalities of showcasing different activities of Bapa’s Mandir from every continent in the world.
As a consequence of Covid-19 social distancing restrictions at Places of Worship and as part of the 25th anniversary of Jalaram Temple Leicester, the
Trustees decided to celebrate Jalaram Jayanti – the 221st birthday of Saint Shree Jalaram Bapa - on an international basis using social media platforms and Aastha TV.
The worldwide event showcased works of Sewa and Ethos, these being Bapa’s Legacy. The event was a great success with temples in 72 towns and cities worldwide taking part. Thousands of devotees worldwide watched the 11 hours of coverage from Bapa’s temples, whilst taking Darshan of the unique
Yatra. All this was organised by the core committee, Dhirubhai Sangani, Pramodbhai Thakkar, Ajaybhai Jobanputra and Sanjay Rughani, the country
coordinators, music coordinators and